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Download Kexts for Snow Leopard 32/64 Bits

In preparation for users moving to Snow Leopard, I’d like to share a collection of KEXT files I believe people will find quite useful. Be aware these drivers are to be used with Snow Leopard ONLY and have been compiled for x86_x64 architecture unless noted.
Included: (Last updated Sept. 30 2009)

 AHCIPortinjectorAdd the name of the chipset (ICH9, ICH9R, etc.) when the AHCI controller is used.

 ApplePS2Controller: Enables support for PS2 peripherals.

 AppleVIAATAATA Extension works with VIA chipsets.

 AppleIntelPIIATA: ATA Extension works with Intel chipsets.  New

 AttansicL1eEthernetSuport Attansic ethernet controller L1e.

 Disabler: Disables the only kext AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext responsible "mouse lag" in the use of QuickTime and iTunes with Nvidia 8xxx.

 fakesmcemulation of the chip smc. replaces Appledecrypt and dsmos.

 fakesmc v2Updated version of fakesmc.
 HDAEnablerInject the input / output audio information system is used when a Legacy plist "audio or AppleHDA changed.

 Intel82566MMDriver for Intel 82566MM controller.

 IOACHIBlockStorageInjectorSets the orange icons problem when using AHCI Controller.

 JMicronATAAllows the JMicron chip is to function with more than 4GB of ram.

 LegacyJMB36xSATA: Allows the SATA controller JMB36X display info in System Profiler.

 NullCPUPowerManagementneutralizes the kext AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext.

 NVinjectInjector for Nvidia cards (64bit only).

 OpenHaltRestartre-active termination and reboot on many motherboards.

 PlatformUUIDSets the error "UUID Error 35" by injecting a generic UUID to boot.

 RealtekR1000active sharing hello and AFP for the Realtek network controller.

 SKGE: adds functionality to certain network controllers Marvell.

 SleepEnablerre-active the day when AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext is neutralized (see NullCPUPowerManagement).

 UUID: Sets the error "UUID Error 35" by injecting a generic UUID to boot.

 VoodooBattery: Indicator for battery level laptops. New 

 VoodooHDA + prefpaneuniversal sound driver.

 VoodooPS2Controller + prefpane: Enables support for PS2 peripherals.

 VoodooTSCSyncSets the timing issue of hearts (Core2Duo) CPU on certain bios (forcing the boot with cpus = 1). New 

 For those whose DHCP does not work directly ganxiao compiled a IONetwokingFamilly compatible 32/64 but includes the following bug: "The attchment is IONetworkingFamily.kext with RealtekR1000.kext, you can put it into your Extra folder or just replace with vanilla IONetworkingFamily.kext. RealtekR1000.kext This is build as a universal kext 32/64bit with debug message output. If you find something like "REALTEK: Goes to sleep ...", just shutdown the computer, plug out power cable , wait for 10 seconds, your realtek chip will wake up from sleep. " see: RT8111B 64bit SL @insanelymac

Download all kexts


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