Download Kexts for Snow Leopard 32/64 Bits
In preparation for users moving to Snow Leopard, I’d like to share a collection of KEXT files I believe people will find quite useful. Be aware these drivers are to be used with Snow Leopard ONLY and have been compiled for x86_x64 architecture unless noted.
Included: (Last updated Sept. 30 2009)
AHCIPortinjector: Add the name of the chipset (ICH9, ICH9R, etc.) when the AHCI controller is used.
ApplePS2Controller: Enables support for PS2 peripherals.
AppleVIAATA: ATA Extension works with VIA chipsets.
AppleIntelPIIATA: ATA Extension works with Intel chipsets. New
AttansicL1eEthernet: Suport Attansic ethernet controller L1e.
Disabler: Disables the only kext AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext responsible "mouse lag" in the use of QuickTime and iTunes with Nvidia 8xxx.
fakesmc: emulation of the chip smc. replaces Appledecrypt and dsmos.
fakesmc v2: Updated version of fakesmc.
HDAEnabler: Inject the input / output audio information system is used when a Legacy plist "audio or AppleHDA changed.
Intel82566MM: Driver for Intel 82566MM controller.
IOACHIBlockStorageInjector: Sets the orange icons problem when using AHCI Controller.
JMicronATA: Allows the JMicron chip is to function with more than 4GB of ram.
LegacyJMB36xSATA: Allows the SATA controller JMB36X display info in System Profiler.
NullCPUPowerManagement: neutralizes the kext AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext.
NVinject: Injector for Nvidia cards (64bit only).
OpenHaltRestart: re-active termination and reboot on many motherboards.
PlatformUUID: Sets the error "UUID Error 35" by injecting a generic UUID to boot.
RealtekR1000: active sharing hello and AFP for the Realtek network controller.
SKGE: adds functionality to certain network controllers Marvell.
SleepEnabler: re-active the day when AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext is neutralized (see NullCPUPowerManagement).
UUID: Sets the error "UUID Error 35" by injecting a generic UUID to boot.
VoodooBattery: Indicator for battery level laptops. New
VoodooHDA + prefpane: universal sound driver.
VoodooPS2Controller + prefpane: Enables support for PS2 peripherals.
VoodooTSCSync: Sets the timing issue of hearts (Core2Duo) CPU on certain bios (forcing the boot with cpus = 1). New
NEW : For those whose DHCP does not work directly ganxiao compiled a IONetwokingFamilly compatible 32/64 but includes the following bug: "The attchment is IONetworkingFamily.kext with RealtekR1000.kext, you can put it into your Extra folder or just replace with vanilla IONetworkingFamily.kext. RealtekR1000.kext This is build as a universal kext 32/64bit with debug message output. If you find something like "REALTEK: Goes to sleep ...", just shutdown the computer, plug out power cable , wait for 10 seconds, your realtek chip will wake up from sleep. " see: RT8111B 64bit SL @insanelymac
Download all kexts
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